Ruby Pilven

Handmade Porcelain Ceramics


2025 Exhibitions


Maddison Trezise - Forgotten Realms

January 11th - 27th

Opening 11th January 1-4pm

All at once she found her way back to herself…

forgotten realms opened in her mind and heart. Her body remembered itself and a great softness, like water dissolved everything that had been before…

Curiosity and wonderment awaken as the mind reaches to place these objects… are they from under the sea, of the body, or another world all together. Mystical landing places or altars that can be used to hold jewellery or as objet d’art, Maddison plays with the intersection between fine art and functional craft. 

“I am interested in exploring fairytale and myth through my work and hope to awaken the inner child of my audience as an act of feminist advocacy in a world numb to its softest voices.”

Tamzin Rasmussen - Nature’s Cadence

February 8th - 23rd

Opening Saturday 8th February 1-4pm

Nature’s Cadence explores the beauty of light and nature, delving into the fleeting yet profound moments that shape our experiences. Each piece draws inspiration from land and seascapes, inviting you to step into a serene space, filled with vibrant colours and textures that reflect the rhythm of the natural world.

These layered works have evolved over many months, emerging through an intuitive process of mark-making and a responsive engagement with colour. The layers reflect my journey of connecting to the landscapes around me and distilling the essence of what I see and feel. Flashes of brightness symbolize those moments of insight and clarity that nature oDers us unexpectedly, creating depth and movement within the calm. This ongoing dialogue between material and emotion creates a sense of depth and complexity in each piece, mirroring the dynamic cadence of nature itself.

Through this exploration, I hope to evoke a feeling of peace and wonder, encouraging you to take a moment for introspection. Nature’s Cadence is an invitation to appreciate the beauty of the present, reminding us of the moments which oDer profound connections to ourselves and the world around us.

Ultimately, I want my work to resonate with viewers, creating a place where they can find their experiences reflected within the layers of colour and form, and feel the heartbeat of nature's rhythm in their own lives.

Cecile Michel - Nostalgia

March 8th - 23rd

Opening Saturday 8th March 1-4pm

Cecile Michel is returning to the Goldfields region with an exhibition entitled “Nostalgia”, which will take place at the Ross Creek Gallery in Smythes Creek, from the 8 th of March to the 23 rd of March 2025.

Her first solo exhibition took place in Ballarat in 2022 and featured realistic graphite pencil drawings of beer caps and quirky objects. Staying consistent with her black and white style, her Nostalgia series focuses more on the connection that we have with some objects, and the happy memories attached to items from the past.

Covering multiple decades of memorabilia, you will see drawings of a typewriter, the indestructible Nokia phone, for those who might remember it... the good old cassette tape, and many more.

These drawings are all done on stretched canvases with the use of graphite pencil, charcoal and makeup brushes.

Her process involves browsing Antiques shop to find the object that calls out to her and triggers an emotion, photography it against a white background, and after choosing the perfect image out of dozens of shots, draws it onto the canvas. Even the sizes are decided depending on the items themselves. Some are cute and are better suited to a small frame, and some just beg for the majesty of a larger canvas.

“Every drawing has a story behind it. Most of the pieces have an anecdote from my own past... Some of them are borrowed from friends and family members. I believe that the feeling of Nostalgia triggers happy thoughts and builds a connection between all of us. In a room full of people, we will be sure to find a common story about a toy or gadget...”

Goldfield printmakers - Gathering II

April 12th - 27th

Opening Saturday 12th April 1-4pm

Ross Creek Gallery presents Gathering II, an exhibition featuring the latest works by the Goldfields Printmakers. This collective of artists meets several times each year to collaborate, exhibit, and share techniques. The Goldfields Printmakers was founded by Jimmy Pasakos, a Visual Arts Lecturer at Federation University Ballarat, after attending the 2011 International Print Conference, IMPACT7, at Monash University. Inspired by the event, Pasakos aimed to create a platform for printmakers in the historic Goldfields region to connect and collaborate.

The initiative officially began in 2012, with a call for artists from across Central Victoria. The first meeting took place at Jackie Gorring’s home/studio in Daylesford, where members discussed their shared goals to promote printmaking and support artistic growth. A website,, was created to facilitate networking, share experiences, and foster new relationships within the artistic community, allowing for dynamic and diverse collaborations.

Barry Wemyss - Perception

May 3rd - 18th

Opening Saturday 3rd May 1-4pm

Embracing natures scorching heat and winters cold mist, light glistens with jeweled gems. From this, with awareness of place and rememberence, observations with nature suggest that new forms and glazes stand quietly with old friends. With clashes of form and functionality, striven practicality is my constant angst. With resolve in purity and combined elements of nature, making is an intuitive adventure. Like people, some are alike, with no two the same.

The Master Potter: Peter Pilven
A retrospective of his works

May 24th - June 8th

Opening Saturday 24th May 1-4pm

The Master Potter: Peter Pilven is a retrospective celebrating the life and work of my late father, Peter Pilven. A master potter and teacher for over 40 years, he practiced his craft for more than 50 years, creating a diverse body of work that spans various styles and techniques. His talent was extraordinary, and his passion for pottery was matched only by his dedication to teaching and inspiring generations of artists. This exhibition showcases his incredible skill, creativity, and lifelong commitment to the craft. Many of the works featured will be available for purchase, with all proceeds going to charity and supporting his beloved grandchildren. Through this collection, I honor my father’s legacy—his artistry, his influence as a teacher, and the profound impact he had on both the pottery world and the lives of those who knew him. This exhibition is a tribute to his enduring spirit and incredible talent.

Emily Van Der Molen - Pedestrianism

July 5th - 20th

Opening Saturday 5th July 1-4pm

Pedestrianism is an antidote to the frenetic hectic noise of contemporary life.

When I prioritise my daily neighbourhood walks I am deliberately resisting the cult of productivity and a pervasive sense of not-enough-ness.

My walks are a practice in observation and reflection.

A celebration of magic within the mundane.

An exercise in being rather than doing.

These works document the joy, solace, curiosity and quiet I find along the way.

They are an ode to slow moments.

Bren Luke - Things Near Places Dear

September 6th - 21st

Opening Saturday 6th September 1-4pm

The title reflects the themes I've been working on lately, everyday objects/things close-by drawn in great detail blown up and drawings of places which I hold strong feelings for.