Title of Artwork: Unpaused – an empowered, unapologetic proclamation of menopause
Artwork Dimensions: 42 cm x 59 cm x 70 cm
Medium: Leather, studs, feathers, boning, cloth tape measures, fabric dye, fabric paint, heat set vinyl, biro, fabric
Price: $3300
Artist Statement:
We are both going through menopause, a subject slightly whispered until we found ourselves experiencing symptoms. This led us to seek specifically older female friends to assist in making sense of this profound life transition.
Our artwork is created with the intention of inspiring more conversations on this natural phenomenon so that future generations of females do not find themselves as we did, lost in a metaphoric wood that was on fire!
Meeting at each other’s studios for a total of 15 sessions over 6 months, culminated in 70 hours of collaborative work. We kept a journal detailing activities of each session.
Skills shared included sewing, pattern making, draping, industrial dyeing, painting, leather work, research and development, documentation, and obtaining image licensingfor use in heat set vinyls from Vecteezy.com. Leanne Westblade produced the vinyls for us.
We resonate with the aim of Infuse to create resilience and interconnection, for as well as our creative partnership flourishing, we felt a deepening of our personal and professional relationships. Whilst we were solid friends at the outset, we now have a much greater understanding and appreciation of each other’s processes, and the challengesfaced in our work.
The collaborative partnership was seamless as we integrated each other’s ideas with ease, there was not one moment of creative conflict. It has been a great privilege to work together.
“Working with Kat gave me creative inspiration and confidence to push myself into unknown territories.”
- Clare McEldrew
“Clare’s exceptional expertise has given me confidence in my own sewing skills and abilities”
- Kat Pengelly